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How To Market Your Dental Practice In Schools

School is in session! The nation’s schools are a great marketing venue for dental practices like you. You are a benefit to the school community because you provide a necessary service for its students. Unlike product marketers that may be hocking a given product, dental practices offer a service and the educational component of good oral hygiene. Plus, how better to get your name into the community in order to grow your practice than to start with the local schools?

Here are some ways you can market your practice in schools.

Offer a free presentation “The Key to Good Oral Hygiene”. Spend an afternoon visiting the classrooms and educating the children on how to care for their teeth. Bring a Big Mouth Model and a Big Toothbrush, diagrams, and, of course, dental health products. Hand out personalized toothbrushes, personalized bundles, or personalized dental hygiene kits after each presentation.

Sponsor an activity or event. If you can afford to donate cash, then do it. Be sure that your donation will get you an ad in the event flyer, signage at the event, and/or your logo on any digital marketing efforts promoting the event. This will get your practice name in front of students, staff and parents.

Donate dental products. Schools are always looking for items for raffles and fundraisers. Teachers are always in need of prizes for their classrooms. Provide personalized pediatric or orthodontic toothbrushes with your practices logo, name and contact information to the school for use at an event. Give the teachers a supply of personalized toothbrushes or personalized floss to use as prizes in their classrooms. Everyone loves a new toothbrush, and it will get seen at school, then at home (bonus!).

Advertise. Advertising in school newspapers, yearbooks and on the school website is a tried-and-true way to get your name in front of parents. Post a banner on the athletic field fence or in the cafeteria where parents, students, and other members of the community may see it. As long as you get the banner or sign made, the school may not even charge you to hang it on their premises so this is an inexpensive and great form of advertising.

Help the school fundraise. If the local school or school district has an annual auction or fundraiser, provide personalized manual toothbrushes, electric toothbrushes, teeth whitening kits, or a basket full of “toothbrushes for a lifetime!”. Personalize and customize as many of the dental products as possible so that your practice’s name and contact information are front and center.

With a little thought and effort, marketing via schools can be a great way to not only grow your business, but also benefit your local community.


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